Channel: Jonathan4Dean
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Joe Biden, Vice President?

The other day I did a diary on the real Evan Bayh. Not the Evan Bayh that you hear about in sound bytes, but the positions he's taken, courtesy of a great website: ontheissues.orgWell, since Obama...

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Hillary Clinton, Vice President?

I've recently copied and pasted a compendium of the votes and positions of Evan Bayh and Joe Biden from "Ontheissues.org". Here is the third edition, for Hillary...

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Dems Suck at Explaining Tax Policy/Spending

Democrats are good for the economy, despite the lies of the GOP. Yet we consistently lose in the polls and sometimes entire elections when we talk about taxes and spending.I believe strongly in the...

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Palin-Huckabee 08! Drop McCain from the ticket!

I'm Sarah Palin and I approve this message because John McCain is not conservative enough for Alaska or America.

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John McCain, Bull Moose?

The pictures of Lincoln and Reagan have competition this year, Teddy Roosevelt. Yeah, that Teddy Roosevelt. The one that the Republican establishment hated so much, they stuck him in the one place he...

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CNN.com just blew my mind

I stumbled upon something amazing looking at CNN.com's results of the 2004 election. Kerry vs. Bush. It blew my mind.Follow the link: http://www.cnn.com/...

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30 minutes of uninterrupted "O" time

It's a gutsy move to buy up 30 minute blocks of time on the major networks so close to the election. I have a feeling that it will really sway thousands of people on the fence to vote Obama. And it may...

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We ARE Radicals, History Proves It

This is a rant about radicalism, about social change, about American History. This nation was founded and idolizes extremists, outcasts, and people who just weren't happy to "conserve" the status quo,...

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Class Warfare: George Bush doesn't like black people

Class warfare. Socialism. Communism. Liberal. Democrat Party. Socialized medicine.It's the language of the Right. They're the words that come out of the mouths of every Fox News pundit and Republican...

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The other political party is *REGRESSIVE*

I often complain that the Left doesn't label the Conservative movement accurately.There are conservatives who want to offer alternate solutions.There is the party of "no".And there is the biggest...

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Supreme Court Reform Act (7-11 Justices)

As a moderate liberal, I like the idea of Obama re-shaping the court to reflect a 21st century viwe of America, just as I was dreadfully afraid of Bush altering the court to reflect his...19 century...

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Health Care: Four Solutions

I like a lot of the Obama plan. Most of the cost reduction ideas would pass by huge supermajorities in Congress if they were the only bill on the table.But at the core of the debate is one nagging...

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Sports Conservatives vs. Progressives

I'm passionate about sports and politics and I see correlations all the time.You have teams competing for the same goal. You have mascots, team colors, a shared history.And in terms of how we express...

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"Basterds" A Political/Cultural View (Spoilers)

First, let me say how foolish I think people's obsession is with avoiding spoilers.Even if I know every scene of a screenplay intimately (and I've read my fair share) it is completely different when...

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We won't use Reconciliation if you won't Filibuster

This war over how to get health care passed reminds me of the scenario in 2005 with Bush appointees and the filibuster.If you need a refresher, check out this article: http://en.wikipedia.org/...

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GOP Congressman didn't understand Constitution til he was 14

Rep. Mike Pence (R-Ind.), speaking about the "Slaughter House Rule.""It really tramples on the Constitution of the United States," as he waved a pocket Constitution in his right hand. "Now, I’ve...

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Al Gore for Supreme Court

Unfortunately I have to make my post short, so I can't go into the deep analysis that I was hoping for. But, I'll give a short sketch of why I think he'd be a great choice.

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Save Social Security First

I've got a track record of being a little bit more conservative than the average DKOS commentator. I think deficits matter---and I'm willing to attack any sacred cow (tax increases, defense cuts,...

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PLEASE Filibuster the Bush Tax Cuts

Right now Bernie Sanders is on Rachel Maddow is making a passionate case for returning to the Clinton tax rates for the wealthiest Americans.If the final bill extends those tax cuts, we MUST threaten...

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Cutting Spending Kills Jobs

I love Republicans. I mean, they create a fictional narrative and they pound away at it until people really start to believe it.They've created an image in the minds of voters---mostly less educated,...

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