Egypt: We stand with the people, not dictators
I believe in American exceptionalism...that we've been granted an opportunity, through our economic success, military dominance and charitable spirit, to help others.There's a right way to do that and...
View ArticleVote by Phone?
OK, so my wife is normally very politically aware and VERY intelligent when it comes to politics. But the issue of a "quorum" came up and she said, "WHAT? You don't need everyone in Congress present to...
View ArticleYou don't like spending? Opt out
Republicans love to complain about entitlements. Of course, they have no problem taking advantage of government programs.A co-worker of mine is one of those types. Y'know, the kind that says subtlely...
View ArticleI'd vote for a Republican...
in a primary, that is.I like the idea of flooding the Republican Party with liberals. We "help" them nominate Olympia Snowe and then watch as the Tea Party tears her apart like the next iteration of...
View ArticleI can create 10mil new jobs
The people have spoken. Deficits matter. Foreign wars matter. Education matters. But jobs trump everything else.I'm conflicted about the role of the stimulus package (ARRA) in our recent...
View ArticleA different way to "split the difference" with Republicans
Long political discussion yesterday with a couple of libertarian-leaning wedding-goers, and I think I hit upon something that would probably never pass, but it would confound Republicans and move...
View ArticleTwo clever ideas to stimulate the economy & pwn the GOP
OK, I'm short on time, so I'll make this diary simple and sweet. I'm being a little tongue-in-cheek but I think I have a kernel of a good strategy here.Most of us agree that more stimulus is necessary....
View ArticleVariable tax rates
We don't have a "spending problem" or a "revenue problem" in America. We have a "spending outpacing revenue" problem.Think of it like a household budget. If you find yourself in an avalanche of debt,...
View ArticleDeclare war on stagnant money
I've thrown some posts up with some half-serious thoughts and suggestions, always with the intent of starting a conversation. Sometimes it works, sometimes not so much.But I want to present you with...
View ArticleSolve unemployment? Draft 'em
Number of unemployed Americans: 13.9 million Median American salary: $44,389 Cost of a program to hire every unemployed American and pay them for a full year? 617 billion US defense budget: $664...
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